A Day in the Life: How I'm Resetting with Walks, Nourishment & YAZIO this Autumn

Kelcie Gene Papp
Brand & Lifestyle Editor
September 19, 2024

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Today marks just over 100 days until January 1st, 2025—the time of year when fresh goals seem to sparkle with possibility, like the footfall that will soon descend Times Square.

But for me, this is a different kind of milestone. It’s the week I’m hitting reset. I’ll be honest—over the past month, I’ve found myself treading water. 

I haven’t gained anything, but I haven’t lost anything either. The truth is, wellness isn’t about the finish line—it’s about the grit to keep going, even when results don’t show. It’s not a New Year’s promise; it’s about getting up and building something real, right now. It’s in the small, deliberate steps. That’s where the progress lives.


Mornings are my favourite and always have been. If I need to wake up at 7AM, I’ll set my alarm for 6:45. Just to get that little more me-time. And after making my oat decaf flat white (honestly, after recently learning so much about A2 dairy, I’m starting to rethink oat m*lk) I take a moment to reflect.

And, after opening the YAZIO app, the first thing I do, everyday, is assess my progress thus far. And it’s not just about how much weight I’ve lost. You can set challenges for yourself - I’m currently on day 1 of no sugar.

Then I think about my ‘Why.’ 

So much noise surrounds the idea of setting a date for weight loss. 

The YAZIO app, for instance, asks if I’ve got a family reunion or a special event coming up that I’m working towards. In the past, I’ve always latched onto a date—something looming on the calendar to keep me in check. But this time, I’m trying something different. I’ve given myself six months, not to hit a specific weight by a deadline, but to focus on how well I can take care of my body. 

It’s not about the number on the scale; it’s about sustainable, healthy habits. That said, there’s actual research supporting the benefits of setting a timeline for goals, though it’s also important not to push too hard, as metabolic slowing can occur when calorie intake is too low. Studies have shown that severe caloric restriction can reduce metabolism and lead to hormonal changes that increase appetite, making it harder to maintain weight loss.

After my morning reflection and 10-15 minutes with my decaf flat white, I take my rescue Spanish Greyhound for his first walk of the day. We wander through my Lisbon neighbourhood, sometimes heading to the park for a bit of mental reset. Walking has become my go-to light exercise, especially as my Apple Watch syncs with YAZIO to log the activity, helping me track how even these small movements contribute to the bigger picture. 

It’s a far cry from some intense calorie-cutting regimes, which can lead to muscle loss, slowing down fat-burning potential. One study found that while weight was lost with calorie restriction, the loss of lean muscle made it harder to keep shedding fat.

Once back home, it’s a quick shower and then breakfast—usually something simple like Greek yogurt with berries and cinnamon, or my new favourite, a banana split with peanut butter. I’ve been focused on hitting my water intake goals too, which I log in YAZIO before settling into work.

As I eat, I scroll through the success articles on YAZIO. It’s a habit now—reading tips that inspire me to keep pushing forward, even on days when I don’t feel my best.

Sometimes miss the old commute—a built-in time to reflect before diving into the day. Now, with remote work, I try to maintain structure. I check my emails at set times: once in the morning, again around lunchtime, and then before signing off. That keeps me from being sucked into my inbox all day, so I can focus on deep work. As for meals, I plan them in YAZIO, and now that I’m back from a long weekend in Copenhagen, I’ll be doing a proper grocery shop later today to stock up on healthy ingredients. 

Me at Darcy's Kaffe - the only spot I found that had decaf specialty coffee (courtesy of Curve Roasters)


Lunch is usually something simple yet nourishing—protein, salad, and the like. YAZIO has taught me the importance of healthy carbs, so I’ve embraced things like sweet potatoes and new potatoes to keep my energy up. My husband, Jason, also works from home, so we try to make mealtimes together an easy, healthy routine. But I’ve noticed that remote work has its downsides. Sedentary lifestyles, especially when working from home, can lead to weight gain. 

A study from the COVID-19 pandemic showed that 59.1% of people gained weight due to reduced activity and unhealthy eating habits. That’s why I make it a priority to step outside with our rescued Spanish greyhound, Louis and stay active throughout the day.

Afternoon Tea

Afternoons can be tricky, especially when working from home. I’ve found fruit teas and decaf coffee keep me grounded, and I make sure to track everything, including my oat milk, in YAZIO to avoid guesswork. By the time work wraps up, usually around 5:30, I take the dog for another walk. It’s my way of closing out the workday—listening to a podcast, soaking in the fresh air, and transitioning into the evening. It’s easy to get caught up in work, especially for women in their 30s, where work stress can lead to weight gain. It’s no surprise that studies show that women working long hours are more likely to gain weight compared to those with shorter work schedules.

Afternoons are often when I also crave something sweet. I’ve learned not to deny these cravings but to meet them in a balanced way. Instead of a sugary snack, I’ve started keeping a bowl of fresh fruit within reach—today, it’s two medjool dates and a handful of almonds. I quickly log it into YAZIO, which has become my accountability partner throughout the day.


Dinner is logged just like everything else, and if I need to hit my protein target, I whip up a quick protein shake with the rest of my oat milk. In the past, I’d see coming in under my calorie goal as a win, but YAZIO has taught me that under-eating can actually stall weight loss. It’s about nourishing my body properly, not depriving it. And with that, my day comes to an end.


Evenings are always when the cravings hit. In the past, I’d find myself reaching for a bowl of cereal or, on more indulgent nights, whipping up homemade nachos. It was an easy go-to, but far too unpredictable when it came to tracking, and often left me feeling less than satisfied. Now, when I get peckish, I’ve switched to a scoop of Greek yogurt with a bit of sugar-free chocolate. It’s not only easier to log in YAZIO, but it feels like a treat without the guilt. I’ve found it’s much more satisfying, and I don’t have to second-guess how it fits into my goals for the day.

Kelcie Gene Papp
Brand & Lifestyle Editor