Nespresso x HIVED: 100% Electric Deliveries in London Could Cut 10,000kg CO2 Monthly and Boost Customer Experience

Jason Papp
Founder & Editor-in-chief
September 4, 2024

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LONDON - Nestlé-owned Nespresso became a member of B Corp in early 2022. And to continue their green strategy, Nespresso UK has partnered with HIVED for deliveries across London.

HIVED, the sharp outfit is already zipping 100% electric deliveries across London for the likes of Asos, Zara, and Candy Kittens, and is now taking the reins for Nespresso. The first delivery company built for e-commerce, HIVED will be orchestrating the journey from Nespresso's distribution centre to their own depot in east London, before handling the all-important last mile to customers' doorsteps.

Nespresso x HIVED branded vans on the streets of London. Photogprahy courtesy of HIVED.

It’s the next step in Nespresso’s ongoing commitment to their B Corp status, apparently good for sales. Though, in early 2024, the BBC ran an article reporting that “B Corp designations are meant to signal companies are socially and environmentally conscious. Yet experts and other businesses alike say the certification process needs a closer look.” It was around the formal investigation into the B Corp status of four Havas media agencies following the company's controversial multi-million-dollar account with fossil-fuel giant Shell.

That B Corp discussion aside, Nespresso has assessed the demand and filled the gap with the coffee capsule brand tapping into the Uber model here. Consumers feel more inclined to order an Uber rather than a taxi because there’s no guessing work as to when and if the Uber will arrive. According to HIVED, Nespresso are offering online customers an "enhanced delivery experience," with perks like real-time tracking, live updates, and a live chat option. And they’ve got the numbers to prove it: a 99% first-time delivery rate, well above the industry’s 90% average.

Who knew this was all so important for the Nespresso consumer. Nespresso UK/I CEO, Anna Lundstrom makes a valid point, “As a direct-to-consumer brand, the delivery moment can often be the first physical experience of Nespresso for our customers.” Lundstrom continues, “We want to make sure every delivery is elevated, seamless and as sustainable as possible. HIVED provides personalised choices which suit our customers’ individual preferences, and their delivery service fits seamlessly into the Nespresso experience.”

It’s true. The box, the delivery person, the communications all count. I remember back in 2011 when I was interning at The Times’ Weekend Review, publishers would send in books for review in the most striking packaging. They would follow up with a call ensuring it arrived safely, in the hope their authors would make it in the Saturday edition; sometimes it worked.

Beyond sustainability, Nespresso’s partnership with HIVED makes sense. They’ve found a provider that “fits seamlessly” into the Nespresso experience. According to a report by N Shift for Retail Week, “Delivery experience is more important to online shoppers than loyalty perks or flexible payment.”

The report conducted across 1000 consumers found, “the delivery and experience management (DMXM) provider, the delivery experience has the power to increase conversions and help retailers out-perform competitors. While less than half of returning customers view BNPL options as vital, some 70% confirmed that delivery choice was critical.”

And the ever conscious consumer, and B Corp alike, will appreciate the fact HIVED 100% electric deliveries “has the potential to save over 10,000kg of CO2 emissions per month across approximately 60,000 Nespresso deliveries in London, in comparison to non-electric delivery options.” This is a step in the right direction for a brand criticised for an “abysmal track record” on human rights that was “at odds with the ethical and just future B Corps want to build”.

It’s good to see profits garnered from David Beckham’s endorsement is being invested into better delivery practices across London. Perhaps product innovation is next. More eco-friendly packaging and less aluminium would be amazing.

If a Nespresso capsule doesn’t cut it for you in the morning, read our best ever V60 pour over coffee method.

Jason Papp
Founder & Editor-in-chief